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Draft Behaviour Policy


Date policy last reviewed:

8th October 2021




Statement of intent

  1. Legal framework
  2. Roles and responsibilities
  3. Definitions
  4. Managing behaviour
  5. Prevention strategies and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour
  6. Sexual abuse and discrimination
  7. Smoking and controlled substances
  8. Prohibited items, searching pupils and confiscation
  9. Effective classroom management
  10. Behaviour off school premises
  11. Monitoring and review

Statement of intent

Park High School believes that, in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life. The school is committed to:

  • Our Ethos

We are a school committed to raising aspirations and bringing out the best in all students. Our students will strive to attain exceptionally high levels of academic achievement and personal development. All staff will unfailingly reassure students that by working together there are no barriers that they cannot overcome to achieve their full potential. Students will leave Park High School with the skills, confidence and drive to achieve their future aspirations and to make a lasting contribution to the communities in which they live. Our mission is to develop young people with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each young person: morally, socially, intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Park High School will do this by:

  • Promoting desired behaviour.
  • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority, and positive relationships based on mutual respect.
  • Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all.
  • Praising and rewarding good behaviour.
  • Challenging and disciplining misbehaviour.
  • Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and any form of harassment.
  • Encouraging positive relationships with parents.
  • Developing positive relationships with pupils to enable early intervention.
  • A shared approach which involves pupils in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures.
  • Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve.

The school acknowledges that behaviour can sometimes be the result of educational needs, mental health issues, or other needs or vulnerabilities, and will address these needs via an individualised graduated response.

To help reduce the likelihood of behavioural issues related to social, emotional or mental health (SEMH), the school aims to create a safe and calm environment in which positive mental health and wellbeing are promoted and pupils are taught to be resilient. The school aims to promote resilience as part of a whole-school approach using the following methods:

  • Culture, ethos and environment – the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted through the informal curriculum, including leadership practice, policies, values and attitudes, alongside the social and physical environment
  • Teaching – the curriculum is used to develop pupils’ knowledge about health and wellbeing
  • Community engagement – the school proactively engages with parents, outside agencies and the wider community to promote consistent support for pupils’ health and wellbeing

Where vulnerable pupils or groups are identified, provision will be made to support and promote their positive mental health. The school’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy outlines the specific procedures that will be used to assess these pupils for any SEMH-related difficulties that could affect their behaviour.

Student and Staff Agreed Rules

We are the Park family - we respect others

 We are the best we can be - we dress professionally and are prepared for lessons

  No-one gets left behind - we always approach lessons with a positive attitude

  Nil sine labore - we always put 100% into our lessons





  1. Legal framework

This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Education Act 1996
  • Education Act 2002
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Education and Inspections Act 2006
  • Health Act 2006
  • Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019
  • The School Information (England) Regulations 2008
  • DfE (2016) ‘Behaviour and discipline in schools’
  • DfE (2021) ‘Keeping children safe in education 2021’
  • DfE (2021) ‘Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges’
  • DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and behaviour in schools’
  • DfE (2015) ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’
  • DfE (2013) ‘Use of reasonable force’
  • DfE (2018) ‘Searching, screening and confiscation’

This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:

  • Pupil Code of Conduct
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy
  • Complaints Procedures Policy
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy
  • Exclusion Policy
  • Positive Handling Policy
  • Peer-on-Peer Abuse Policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Smoke-Free Policy
  • Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy: Pupils
  1. Roles and responsibilities

The governing board has overall responsibility for:

  • Ensuring that this policy, as written, does not discriminate on any grounds, including, but not limited to, age, disability, gender reassignment, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
  • Promoting a whole-school culture where calm, dignity and structure encompass every space and activity.
  • Handling complaints regarding this policy, as outlined in the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.

The headteacher is responsible for:

  • The monitoring and implementation of this policy and of the behaviour procedures at the school. This includes the policy’s effectiveness in addressing any SEMH-related drivers of poor behaviour.
  • Establishing the standard of behaviour expected by pupils at the school.
  • Determining the school rules and any disciplinary sanctions for breaking the rules.
  • The day-to-day implementation of this policy.
  • Publishing this policy and making it available to staff, parents and pupils at least once a year.
  • Reporting to the governing board on the implementation of this policy, including its effectiveness in addressing any SEMH-related issues that could be driving disruptive behaviour.

The mental health lead is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the whole-school approach to mental health, including how this is reflected in this policy, how staff are supported with managing pupils with SEMH-related behavioural difficulties, and how the school engages pupils and parents with regards to the behaviour of pupils with SEMH difficulties.
  • Supporting behaviour management in line with the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy.

The SENCO is responsible for:

  • Collaborating with the governing board, headteacher and the mental health lead, as part of the SLT, to determine the strategic development of behavioural and SEMH policies and provisions in the school.
  • Undertaking day-to-day responsibilities for the successful operation of the behavioural and SEMH policies to support pupils with SEND, in line with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy.
  • Supporting teachers in the further assessment of a pupil’s strengths and areas for improvement and advising on the effective implementation of support.

Teaching staff are responsible for:

  • Planning and reviewing support for pupils with behavioural difficulties in collaboration with parents, the SENCO and, where appropriate, the pupils themselves.
  • Aiming to teach all pupils the full curriculum, whatever their prior attainment.
  • Planning lessons to address potential areas of difficulty to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving their full potential, and that every pupil with behavioural difficulties will be able to study the full national curriculum.
  • Being responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class.

All members of staff, including teaching and support staff, and volunteers are responsible for:

  • Adhering to this policy.
  • Supporting pupils in adhering to this policy.
  • Promoting a supportive and high-quality learning environment.
  • Modelling high levels of behaviour.
  • Being aware of the signs of behavioural difficulties.
  • Setting high expectations for every pupil.
  • Being aware of the needs, outcomes sought, and support provided to any pupils with specific behavioural needs.
  • Keeping the relevant figures of authority up-to-date with any changes in behaviour. The relevant figures of authority include:
    • SENCO.
    • Headteacher.
    • Subject leader.
  • As authorised by the headteacher, disciplining pupils who display poor levels of behaviour. This responsibility includes the power to discipline pupils even when they are not in school or in the charge of a member of staff.

Pupils are responsible for:

  • Their own behaviour both inside school and out in the wider community.
  • Reporting any unacceptable behaviour to a member of staff.

Parents are responsible for:

  • Supporting their child in adhering to the school rules.
  • Informing the school of any changes in circumstances which may affect their child’s behaviour.
  1. Definitions

For the purposes of this policy, the school defines “serious unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour which may cause harm to oneself or others, damage the reputation of the school within the wider community, and/or any illegal behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Discrimination – not giving equal respect to an individual on the basis of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation
  • Harassment – behaviour towards others which is unwanted, offensive and affects the dignity of the individual or group of individuals
  • Vexatious behaviour – deliberately acting in a manner so as to cause annoyance or irritation
  • Bullying – a type of harassment which involves personal abuse or persistent actions which humiliate, intimidate, frighten or demean the individual being bullied
  • Cyberbullying – the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature
  • Possession of legal or illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco
  • Possession of banned items
  • Truancy and running away from school
  • Refusing to comply with disciplinary sanctions
  • Theft
  • Verbal abuse, including swearing, racist remarks and threatening language
  • Fighting and aggression
  • Persistent disobedience or destructive behaviour
  • Extreme behaviour, such as violence and serious vandalism
  • Any behaviour that threatens safety or presents a serious danger
  • Any behaviour that seriously inhibits the learning of pupils
  • Any behaviour that requires the immediate attention of a staff member

For the purposes of this policy, the school defines “low-level unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour which may disrupt the education of the perpetrator and/or other pupils, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Lateness
  • Horseplay
  • Low-level disruption and talking in class
  • Failure to complete classwork
  • Rudeness
  • Lack of correct equipment
  • Refusing to complete homework, incomplete homework, or arriving at school without homework
  • Disruption on public transport
  • Use of mobile phones without permission
  • Graffiti

“Low-level unacceptable behaviour” may be escalated to “serious unacceptable behaviour”, depending on the severity of the behaviour.


  1. Managing behaviour
  • All staff are expected to reward good attitudes and work ethic at every opportunity through feedback both written and orally and communicate this to parents as much as possible. Staff must also follow the rewards system.


  • A maximum of two credits per week per child per class. One credit for good work and two for exceptional work.
  • No credits indicates that students have not work well.
  • This is celebrated weekly with certificates on MCAS and nominated Prize weeks.
  • The Park Point is awarded for any good behaviour and there are no limits to the number of Park Points a student can be awarded. This is celebrated separately through weekly certificates and prize weeks.
  • Termly SPA assemblies celebrate students’ achievements and efforts.
  • Main school assemblies celebrate students’ achievements and efforts.
  • Golden letters are sent to outstanding students from the Headteacher once a half term.
  • Great attendance (above 97%) is celebrated every half term.


Non-negotiable Behaviours, Misdemeanours (Social time Behaviour) and Redline Behaviours.

Instances of unacceptable social/corridor behaviour will be dealt with immediately. Students who are observed using not sensible behaviour on the corridor on the school yard, dropping litter, using foul and/or derogatory language, chewing gum, being out of bounds, not dressing in line with the uniform policy or having an electronic device out in the building will receive a misdemeanour. Two misdemeanours will lead to a lunchtime detention. Four misdemeanours lead to a day in turning point. Students and parents/guardians are informed of the detention through e-mail. Any student who is placed in Turning Point will receive a telephone call from the pastoral team.

The following table shows the non-negotiable behaviours in school and redline behaviours which are an automatic referral to Turning Point. Redline behaviours result in a fixed term period of time in Turning Point. In some circumstances students maybe sent to isolation units in other local schools to complete a fixed period before returning to Turning Point or they may be excluded. Students must meet a full day of turning point expectations before returning to their normal timetable. Students will complete all work set in Turning Point (on Microsoft Teams). Failure to complete work results in a warning.  


Classroom Behaviour

Instances of unacceptable behaviour are taken seriously and dealt with immediately.

The pastoral lead will keep a record of all reported incidents to help identify pupils whose behaviour may indicate the need for further support.

The system must recognise the needs of the individual as well as the needs of the students as a whole in that it punishes, deters and improves future behaviour. A number of basic principles underpin the system:

  • Students must be allowed to learn and teachers to teach.
  • The teacher makes decisions in his or her classroom about the lesson organisation. Students are not entitled to challenge that authority.
  • Sensible, courteous behaviour is expected at all times in Park High School, in all places and towards all members of the school community.

Disruptive behaviour is often prevented by good classroom management and lesson preparation. Discipline is the responsibility of all members of staff and it is important that, as far as possible, teachers deal with disciplinary issues themselves. Even if such issues are referred to a Curriculum Leader or Form Tutor it is essential that the member of staff experiencing the disruption is involved at some point in its resolution.

  • The recording of disruptive incidents is essential. This is done using Bromcom.
  • Where appropriate such information should be stored in the student's record file.

After an initial incident of negative behaviour, the following sanctions are implemented:

Phase 1 - Classroom Management Strategies

Phase 2 – 1st Verbal Warning

This is the first verbal warning given to a student after the class has been formally requested to be "silent and settled". This is not recorded but the teacher must make it clear to the student that they have entered the system e.g. “You are now at Phase 2 of the Behaviour Pyramid”

 Phase 3 – 2nd Verbal Warning (recorded on Bromcom as low level disruption) 10 minute meeting issued at break or dinner with the member of staff to resolve the issue.

Students who persistently display low level disruption should be placed on class teacher report. This is held by the class teacher and monitored by the Curriculum Leader.

A student failing to attend the meeting will be followed up by the class teacher and Curriculum leader and moved to Phase 4.

Through daily Bromcom monitoring and the Weekly Behaviour Reports, Form Tutors will intervene to monitor a students’ behaviour. The lead for report cards will indicate which students are on report and how long they will be on for. This is tracked by the Director of House. At this point Form Tutors will contact parents and set targets for the student to meet.

Phase 4 – Curriculum & Progress team intervention and the faculty Safety Net

The student continues to cause concern. They are moved to another room in the curriculum area in accordance with the faculty safety net. Curriculum Leaders, Directors of House and Lead Practitioners may be the main receivers.

The student must be debriefed by the subject teacher and the receiving member of staff at the earliest opportunity on the same day. All students that are removed from class and placed in the Safety Net should be issued a detention by the Class Teacher. The class teacher must contact parents after this point to discuss the matter and keep parents informed of this breach of the behaviour code,

Directors and Assistants will monitor On Call Logs. Repeat offences will lead to Phase 5 Turning Point isolation.

Where a pattern of poor behaviour is preventing the learning of others in the class, Curriculum Leader can use the Faculty Respite and organise for the student to attend another class for a set period of time. The Curriculum Leader must contact parents to inform them of this situation, with clear times and expected outcomes.

This agreed fixed period of lessons is supported with work from the subject teacher and referred through Heads of Faculty.

Phase 5 – SLT support and Turning Point isolation

SLT will refer students into Turning Point for serious incidents, red line behaviours or where the student requires isolating from other students to work.  The internal exclusion room (Turning Point) will be manned by the Inclusion Manager, SLT, Pastoral Team and Curriculum Leaders. Students can only be placed in Turning Point by a member of SLT.

  • Directors of House must contact the SLT lead to book a student into Turning Point.
  • Students will be required to follow the Turning Point rules that will be prominently displayed in the room.
  • Students will be given formal warnings when students are not following the rules. A third formal warning leads to the student repeating the day in Turning Point or a suspension.
  • Key Stage appropriate work will be provided by all faculties and departments.
  • Students will be expected to do whatever is provided without question.
  • Students will spend the full day in Turning Point (9.30- 3.35 pm).
  • During this time the Turning Point staff will work with the student through a restorative justice package.
  • A formal letter will be issued to parents and students and be placed on the student records.

On the rare occasions where students are repeatedly failing to meet the Park High behaviour standards they may be referred into support programmes. Failure to meet the agreed targets at this stage, could lead to permanent exclusion.

Phase 6 – Fixed Term Exclusion

This is at the discretion of the Headteacher and will be for serious behaviour problems only. A  Governors' meeting will be convened depending on the number or type of exclusions accrued and in line with LEA policies and procedures. 

The headteacher will consider whether the pupil should be excluded for a fixed term, in line with the school’s Exclusion Policy, and will determine the length of the exclusion.

  • Although unacceptable behaviour does not necessarily mean a pupil has SEND, an assessment will be carried out at this stage to determine whether there are any undiagnosed learning or communication difficulties, or mental health issues that may be contributing to the pupil’s behaviour.
  • Where a pupil is identified as having SEMH-related difficulties, SEND support will be put in place from the school’s national SEND budget.
  • Where SEND is not identified, but the headteacher determines that support is still required for the pupil, an Individual Behavioural Plan will be created to outline the necessary provisions in place.

Phase 7 - Permanent exclusion

This is at the discretion of the Head Teacher and will be for very serious behaviour problems only or a serious incident that is deemed to effect the safety of staff or students in school.

The decision to permanently exclude will only be taken:

• in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the Park High Behaviour Policy

• if allowing the pupil to remain at school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others at the school

There may be exceptional circumstances where it is appropriate to permanently exclude a pupil for a first or ‘one off’ offence. These might include but not exclusive to:

a) Violence against a member of staff or pupil

b) Carrying a weapon

c) Distributing illegal substances

d) Sexual abuse or assault.


For discipline to be lawful, the school will ensure that:

  • The decision to discipline a pupil is made by a paid member of school staff, or a member of staff authorised to do so by the headteacher.
  • The decision to discipline a pupil is made on the school premises or whilst the pupil is under the charge of a member of staff, such as during an educational trip or visit.
  • The decision to discipline a pupil is reasonable and will not discriminate on any grounds, as per the Equality Act 2010.

The school will ensure that all discipline is reasonable in all circumstances, and will consider the pupil’s age, religious requirements, SEMH needs, any SEND, and any other relevant information.

  1. Prevention strategies and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour

This section outlines the school’s strategies for preventing unacceptable behaviour, minimising the severity of incidents, and using sanctions effectively and appropriately to improve pupils’ behaviour in the future.

Positive teacher-pupil relationships

Positive teacher-pupil relationships are key to combatting unacceptable behaviour. The school focusses heavily on forming these relationships to allow teachers to understand their pupils and create a strong foundation from which behavioural change can take place.

De-escalation strategies

Where negative behaviour is present, staff members can implement de-escalation strategies to diffuse the situation. This includes:

  • Use positive framing in interactions with students
  • Appearing calm and using a modulated, low tone of voice
  • Using simple, direct language.
  • Avoiding being defensive, e.g. if comments or insults are directed at the staff member.
  • Providing adequate personal space and not blocking a pupil’s escape route.
  • Showing open, accepting body language, e.g. not standing with their arms crossed.
  • Reassuring the pupil and creating an outcome goal.
  • Identifying any points of agreement to build a rapport.
  • Offering the pupil a face-saving route out of confrontation, e.g. that if they stop the behaviour, then the consequences will be lessened.
  • Rephrasing requests made up of negative words with positive phrases, e.g. “if you don’t return to your seat, I won’t help you with your work” becomes “if you return to your seat, I can help you with your work”.

Physical intervention

In line with the school’s Positive Handling Policy, trained members of staff have the legal right to use reasonable force to prevent pupils from committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging school property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.

Physical restraint will only be used as a last resort and as a method of restraint. Staff members will use their professional judgement of the incident to decide whether physical intervention is necessary. The situations in which physical restraint may be appropriate are detailed in the Positive Handling Policy.

Wherever possible, staff will ensure that a second member of staff is present to witness the physical intervention used. After an instance of physical intervention, the pupil will be immediately taken to the Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher and the pupil’s parent will be contacted – parents may be asked to collect the pupil and take them home for the rest of the day.

Any violent or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated by the school and may result in a suspension in the first instance. It is at the discretion of the Headteacher.

When using reasonable force in response to risks presented by incidents involving pupils with SEND or medical conditions, the school will recognise and consider the vulnerability of these groups.

Isolation areas

The school may decide to move pupils to a separate area away from other pupils for a limited period – these are known as isolation areas.

The school will only move pupils to isolation area where absolutely necessary. The school will ensure that pupils’ health and safety is not compromised during their time in isolation, and that any additional requirements, such as SEND needs, are met.

The amount of time that a pupil spends in the isolation area will be up to the school to decide. This could be for more than one school day. The school will ensure that the pupil is not kept in isolation any longer than necessary.

The staff member in charge and supervising the pupil will decide what the pupil may and may not do during their time spent in isolation. The Headteacher will request that the pupil’s class teachers set them appropriate work to complete. This will be on Microsoft Teams.

Pupils are permitted to eat during the allocated times of the school day and may use the toilet as required.


The school will make it clear to parents and pupils that they are able to use detention as a sanction, both during and outside of school hours.

All teachers at the school can impose detention on a pupil, unless the headteacher decides to withdraw this power from any teacher. The headteacher may decide to delegate the power to impose detention to volunteers, such as parents who assist during educational visits or trips.

Parental consent is not required for detentions and, therefore, the school is able to issue detention as a sanction without first notifying the parents of the pupil.

When issuing detentions, members of staff will ensure that they do so reasonably within the given circumstances, and that they consider any additional needs of the pupil. If the detention is during lunchtime, adequate time will be allocated to allow the pupil time to eat, drink and use the toilet. When issuing detentions which are set to be outside of school hours, the member of staff doing so will consider:

  • Whether the detention is likely to put the pupil at risk.
  • Whether the pupil has identified caring responsibilities which would make the detention unreasonable.
  • Whether the parents ought to be informed of the detention, e.g. it may not be necessary to do so if the detention is for short period after school and the pupil is able to return home safely.
  • Whether suitable transport arrangements are in place between the parents and the pupil. It does not matter whether these transport arrangements are inconvenient to the parents.
  1. Sexual abuse and discrimination

The school prohibits all forms of sexual abuse and discrimination, including sexual harassment, gender-based bullying and sexual violence. The school’s procedures for handling peer-on-peer sexual abuse and discrimination are detailed in the Peer-on-Peer Abuse Policy.

The school will respond promptly and appropriately to any sexual harassment complaints in line with the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy; appropriate steps will be taken to stop the harassment and prevent any reoccurrence. Discipline for incidents of sexual harassment will be determined based on the nature of the case, the ages of those involved and any previous related incidents.

  1. Smoking and controlled substances

The school will follow the procedures outlined in its Smoke-Free Policy and Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy when managing behaviour in regard to smoking and nicotine products, legal and illegal drugs, and alcohol.

In accordance with part 1 of the Health Act 2006, Park High school is a smoke-free environment. Parents, visitors, staff and pupils are instructed not to smoke on school grounds. Pupils are not permitted to bring smoking materials or nicotine products to school.

The school has a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs, legal highs and other controlled substances. Where incidents with pupils related to controlled substances occur, the school will follow the procedures outlined in the Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy and Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.  

Students who are caught in possession or taking drugs or alcohol on the way to school, on the school site or on the way home for school will be referred to the Governor Student Behaviour Panel.

Students and parents will have to sign a contract with governors with agreed targets, including regular searches of students property by a member of SLT.

A further offence would be referred to the Governor Behaviour Panel for permanent exclusion.


  1. Prohibited items, searching pupils and confiscation

Headteachers and staff authorised by them have a statutory power to search pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil may have a prohibited item. The prohibited items are:

  • Knives or weapons.
  • Alcohol.
  • Illegal drugs.
  • Stolen items.
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers.
  • Fireworks.
  • Pornographic images.
  • Any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used:
    • To commit an offence; or
    • To cause personal injury to any person, including the pupil themselves; or
    • To damage the property of any person, including the pupil themselves.

All members of staff can use their power to search without consent for any of the items listed above. Staff will follow the provisions outlined in the school’s Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy when conducting searches and confiscating items.

The headteacher and other authorised members of staff are permitted to use reasonable force when conducting a search without consent for certain prohibited items, in line with the school’s Positive Handling Policy.

  1. Effective classroom management

Well-managed classrooms are paramount to preventing disruptive and unacceptable behaviour. The school understands that effective classroom management allows staff to:

  • Start the year with clear sets of rules and routines that are understood by all pupils.
  • Establish agreed rewards and positive reinforcements.
  • Establish sanctions for misbehaviour.
  • Establish clear responses for handling behavioural problems.
  • Encourage respect and development of positive relationships.
  • Make effective use of the physical space available.
  • Have well-planned lessons with a range of activities to keep pupils stimulated.


Classroom Management and Lesson Routines

Seating Plans

  • All classes must have a seating plan decided by the class teacher and these should be available to other members of staff covering the lesson and on request by learning walk and Curriculum Leaders. Seating plans can be changed termly or more frequently if desired.
  • Groups should always be predetermined by the Class Teacher.

Start of Lessons

  • All staff must be on the corridors at lesson changeover to ensure a calm and prompt transition.
  • Teachers must be at the classroom door ready to ‘meet and greet’ their students.
  • Uniform must be checked at the start of each lesson.
  • The class teacher must allocate all students a place in the seating plan.
  • Students must enter in an orderly manner and stand quietly behind their allocated seat.
  • Students must have their equipment and contact book on their work area before they sit down.
  • Teachers should greet their class and give an instruction to ‘sit down’ which signifies being ‘ready to learn’.

Lesson Routines

  • Teachers and Teaching Assistants must be punctual to tutor time and lessons and are therefore able to monitor the punctuality of students.
  • Lessons should be well planned and have clear objectives and outcomes which are understood by all.
  • Classrooms must be left tidy and ready for the next group.

 End of Lessons

  • All students must remain with the Teacher/Teaching Assistant until the bell.
  • The lesson should be dismissed in an orderly and controlled manner, standing behind chairs and checking uniform.
  • Students uniform must be checked prior to leaving the classroom.
  • At the end of Rise all electronic equipment must be SHUT DOWN, chairs and stools put up on the tables and all windows closed. All staff must remain on school site until 3.25.
  • All staff must be on the corridors at lesson changeover to ensure a calm and prompt transition.

Subject to reasonable adjustments, e.g. those made for pupils whose SEND may affect their behaviour, pupils will be expected to follow the school Pupil Code of Conduct, which requires pupils to:

  • Conduct themselves around the school premises in a safe, sensible and respectful manner.
  • Arrive to lessons on time and fully prepared.
  • Follow reasonable instructions given by staff.
  • Behave in a reasonable and polite manner towards all staff and pupils.
  • Show respect for the opinions and beliefs of others.
  • Complete classwork as requested.
  • Hand in homework at the time requested.
  • Report unacceptable behaviour.
  • Show respect for the school environment.


The school has an established set of clear, comprehensive and enforceable classroom rules which define what is acceptable behaviour and what the consequences are if rules are not adhered to. Attention is given to how rules are worded, such as the use of positive language rather than negative.

The school also has an established set of classroom routines to help pupils work well, in the understanding that behavioural problems can arise due to the lack of a consistent routine. This includes teachers ensuring that before lessons begin, they have the full attention of all pupils, then explaining the task clearly so all pupils understand what they are supposed to be doing.

The headteacher ensures all teachers understand classroom rules and routines and how to enforce them, including any sanctions for not following the rules.

Teachers support pupils to understand and follow classroom rules and routines. Teachers inform pupils of classroom rules and routines at the beginning of the academic year and revisit these daily. Where appropriate, teachers explain the rationale behind the rules and routines to help pupils understand why they are needed, and will model rules and routines to ensure pupils understand them. Teachers also explain clearly to pupils what will happen if they breach any classroom rules to ensure pupils are aware of the sanctions that may be imposed.

To support pupils’ continued awareness and understanding of classroom rules and routines, teachers reinforce them in a range of ways, e.g. placing posters of the rules on classroom walls and providing regular verbal reminders of the routines. Teachers also ensure that classroom rules and routines remain consistent and are practised throughout the year to create a more productive and enjoyable environment


Praise and rewards

The school recognises that praise is key to making pupils feel valued and ensuring that their work and efforts are celebrated. When giving praise, teachers ensure:

  • They define the behaviour that is being rewarded.
  • The praise is given immediately following the desired behaviour.
  • The way in which the praise is given is varied.
  • Praise is related to effort, rather than only to work produced.
  • Perseverance and independence are encouraged.
  • Praise is only given when a pupil’s efforts, work or behaviour need to be recognised, rather than continuously without reason.
  • The praise given is always sincere and is not followed with immediate criticism.

Whilst it is important to receive praise from teachers, the school understands that peer praise is also effective for creating a positive, fun and supportive environment. Teachers encourage pupils to praise one another, and praise another pupil to the teacher, if they see them modelling good behaviour.

As with praise, the school understands that providing rewards after certain behaviour means that pupils are more likely to model the same behaviour again. For rewards to be effective, the school recognises that they need to be:

  • Immediate – immediately rewarded following good behaviour.
  • Consistent – consistently rewarded to maintain the behaviour.
  • Achievable – keeping rewards achievable to maintain attention and motivation.
  • Fair – making sure all pupils are fairly rewarded.

Reward routines

  • All staff are to award a maximum of two credits a week per student per class. One credit for good work. Two credits for exceptional work. Students who have not worked well will not be awarded credits.
  • Allocation of credits must be completed by 4 p.m. on Friday for that week.
  • Weekly certificates are awarded to students for their achievements via MCAS.
  • The Park Point is awarded for any good act at school and there are no limits to how many can be awarded. 
  • The school has calendared prize weeks over the school year celebrating credits and Park Points.

SPA Assemblies

  • A termly assembly will reward student achievements in a variety of ways.  
  • Students making significant progress and demonstrating achievement in the wider school community will be rewarded in these assemblies.
  1. Behaviour off school premises

Pupils at the school must agree to represent the school in a positive manner. The guidance laid out in the Pupil Code of Conduct applies both inside school and out in the wider community, particularly if the pupil is dressed in school uniform.

Staff can discipline pupils for misbehaviour outside of the school premises when the pupil is:

  • Wearing school uniform.
  • Travelling to or from school.
  • Taking part in any school-related activity.
  • In any way identifiable as being a pupil at the school.

Staff may also discipline pupils for misbehaviour off the school premises that, irrespective of the above:

  • Could negatively affect the reputation of the school.
  • Could pose a threat to another pupil, a member of staff at the school, or a member of the public.
  • Could disrupt the orderly running of the school.

Any bullying witnessed outside of the school premises and reported to a member of staff, will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Anti-Bullying Policy: Pupils.

The school will impose the same sanctions for bullying incidents and non-criminal misbehaviour witnessed outside of the school premises as would be imposed for the same behaviour conducted on school premises. In all cases of unacceptable behaviour outside of the school premises, staff will only impose sanctions once the pupil has returned to the school premises or when under the supervision of a member of staff.

Complaints from members of the public about the behaviour of pupils from the school are taken very seriously and will be dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Procedures Policy.

  1. Monitoring and review

This policy will be reviewed by the headteacher and behaviour lead on an annual basis; they will make any necessary changes and communicate these to all members of staff.

This policy will be made available for Ofsted inspections and reviews by the lead inspector, upon request.

The next scheduled review date for this policy is Jan 2023