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  • Year 10 taster day - Burnley College.

    Published 15/07/24

    July has been busy for year 10 students taking part in numerous careers and further educational experiences. At the start of July, they visited Burnley college and took part in two taster lessons from across their wide-ranging curriculum. From child care, healthcare, construction, STEM, beauty, sports and creative dance to name a few. Moving into year 11 in September, we will keep you informed of any open evening while the year 11 personal development lessons help students with applications and interview techniques.  Our Prospectuses - Burnley College Burnley College

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  • Gold Pennine Champions Award winners

    Published 15/07/24

    114 Year 7 students achieved their Gold Pennine Champions Award this academic year!

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  • Celebrating the sporting year

    Published 12/07/24

    Sports Presentation Evening

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  • Duke of Edinburgh Round 2...

    Published 11/07/24

    The remainder of our amazing Year 9 students have today set off on their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition. The expedition will see them complete 2 full days of almost 20 miles of walking. They will be walking with their tents and equipment to be able to cook their own food and camp overnight. We wish them every success! More updates to follow...

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  • Sports Day 2024

    Published 08/07/24

    Aerial shots from today's Sports Day 

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  • Sports Day 2024

    Published 08/07/24

    The sun shone, but not as much as our pupils, at our annual sports day.

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  • Park pupils outstanding at Inter School Athletics

    Published 03/07/24

    It was Inter Schools Athletics time again on Wednesday and Park pupils once again excelled.

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  • PD Day 4

    Published 01/07/24

    Friday 28th June was the hive of activity for our 4th PD Day of the year!

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  • Year 7 Artist studies.

    Published 01/07/24

    Year 7s have been busy researching local artist David Hockney. 

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  • Year 6 Transition day

    Published 01/07/24

    The art department welcomed some very talented year 6 pupils last week for a taster lesson.

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  • Duke of Edinburgh Success...

    Published 28/06/24

    We are absolutely bursting with pride with all that our first half of Year 9 students have achieved over the last 24 hours. Walking almost 20 miles over two days carrying tents and all camping equipment in a huge rucksack is no mean feat. Not to mention having to cook their own food on camping stoves and sleep out in some windy and wet weather too! They have shown such great resilience, teamwork and determination! Massive well done to them all and we hope they enjoyed soaking in a warm bath over the weekend! We are looking forward to the rest of Year 9 embarking on their expedition in 2 weeks' time!

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