Careers and Further Education
Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
We are a school committed to raising aspirations and bringing out the best in all students. Our mission is that our students will leave Park High School with the skills, confidence and drive to achieve their future aspirations and to make a lasting contribution to the communities they live in.
At Park we continue to develop links with leading local employers in professions, business, industry and the public, community and voluntary sectors. Guest speakers and successful accomplished professionals from the local area and beyond visit Park High School to raise aspirations and inspire our students to be the best that they can be.
Within the wide and varied Personal Development curriculum, all students explore their own career aspirations through learning about different future education pathways and career options whether that is in the local community or further afield.

Careers@Park Portal - A dedicated and personalised career's website for the #ParkFamily
Learning Journey
Key Stage 3 Careers Programme Overview
Employment Sectors
Job roles and expectations
A Level and vocational courses
Support with choosing GCSE options and careers linked with specific subject choices.
Key Stage 4 Careers Programme Overview
Employability Skills
Support with writing Curriculum Vitae
Support with writing a letter of application
Interview Skills leading to interview with external employer
2 week work experience placement
Group sessions with college tutors
Support with future education applications.
As a school we aim to provide our learners with an extensive curriculum, that focuses on developing the whole child to prepare them for life after Park. In addition, on a termly basis, we hold pride in our Personal Development Days whereby students are involved in a range of activities that aim to progress each individual into well rounded young adults. Careers and Future Pathways are focussed on during these Personal Development days where our learners experience discussing and planning their future aspirations with local apprenticeships, providers, employers and universities.
Useful Links for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
At Park High, we realise just how important it is to plan for that next step after finishing high school.
Thinking about future careers, making decisions about applications for college, sixth form and apprenticeships may seem like a daunting prospect, but there are many services offering help and advice for students who may often feel it is like taking a giant leap.
Careers advice is given by Form Tutors during mentoring sessions and additional time is built into Year 11 tutor time dedicated to help students with options and applications.
Students can talk to their Director of House, their Form Tutor, the Wellbeing Team, Miss Barker Advisor or Mr Rigby Wilson CEIAG Co-ordinator (
Park High Annual Careers Fair
A school-based event for our Year 10 & 11 students which is attended by local employers, colleges etc. date to be confirmed.
Colleges and Sixth Form
Both Burnley College and Nelson & Colne College hold 'drop-in' sessions at school most weeks during lunch time, and are booked in to work with all year students during their Personal Development lessons during the year.
Park High students attend taster days at Burnley College, Nelson & Colne College and Craven College which are organised by the colleges. All local colleges are also invited into school to host assemblies to our Year 11 students.
At Park we thoroughly enjoy working with a vast range of different employers from different industries and pathways. We are always seeking for more employers to volunteer their time to work with our students to give them an insight into their world of work. If you are interested in being a part of our careers programme and working with our students, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Rigby Wilson via email to get some more information on how you can become involved. Contact email
Careers Provider Access Statement
Careers Programme Review
The careers programme is reviewed termly in collaboration with INSPIRA, measuring the impact of the programme against the GATSBY benchmarks utilising COMPASS+.
The reviews are feedback to Governing Body on an annual basis.