Accessibility Plan
SEND Accessibility Plan 2022 -2025
Contact Details
Special Educational Needs/Disabilities Coordinator: Mrs Cathy Bridges
Designated Teacher for Children Looked After: Mrs Karen Baines
Assistant SENCo: Mrs Kirsty Foster
In line with government legislations and the amended SEN Disability Act 2001, schools are required to produce an Accessibility Plan.
(This plan is written in line with the Race Relations Act 1976 (amended in 2000), the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (amended in 2005), Children Act 2004, Equality Act 2010, Education and Inspections Act 2006, Duty to Promote Community Cohesion, Education and Inspections Act 2006).
Improving access to education for disabled pupils has for several years formed an important element of the Government’s policy, aimed at ensuring equality of opportunity so that, whenever possible disabled pupils have the same opportunities as their able bodied peers.
There are three main strands to the school plan:
- Access to the physical environment which includes improved access to and within the school environment and the provision of physical aids.
- Access to the curriculum which covers not only the teaching and learning but the wider curriculum such as extra curricular activities e.g. clubs, leisure, sport and cultural visits.
- Access to written information – information provided in alternative formats.
If a school is to operate within an inclusive framework then certain principles must be adopted:
- A change in culture, policies and practices within schools, LEAs and other services.
- A need to offer training and support to all staff
- Consideration of the views of both parents and pupils
- The removal of barriers to learning and participation
- Access to appropriate education in order to ensure optimum achievement for all children – realisation of potential.
Improving the Physical Access to the School
This involves improvements to the physical environment so that accessibility is not a barrier preventing pupils (and others e.g. parents) from attending school. This might include the fitting of ramps and handrails, widening doorways and creating accessible toilets and changing facilities.
Physical aids to education include ICT equipment, concept keyboards, specialist desks and chairs etc. It may also mean rearranging room space, walkways, the layout of rooms, reallocation of rooms and improving acoustic and visual environment.
The access audit identifies areas for improvement. It is recognised that the cost of some modifications puts them beyond what is considered ‘reasonable’.
Improving Access to the Curriculum
All curriculum areas ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum and extra curricular activities at an age appropriate, ability matched level and ensure secure training for all staff.
Schools should endeavour to foster a whole school approach, in that; access to curriculum areas should be given equal weighting to all pupils. A strategic approach should be adopted. An important element is the provision of appropriate training for all staff, teaching and non teaching and the development and availability of adequate resources.
Improving Access to Information
Written information provided by schools must take account of pupils’ disabilities, pupils’ and parents’ preferred formats and made available within a reasonable time frame and needs to take account of the ‘Accessible Information Guide’ (2000) published by the Disability Rights Commission and the County Council and the Equality Act 2010.
Schools should attempt to prepare written material in alternative formats. This may require a school to liaise with statutory and voluntary agencies which may be able to assist.
Accessibility Plan
- Marketing
Actions |
Target Date |
Indicators of success |
Outcomes |
1.1 |
Ensure that the prospectus is available in alternative formats. |
On-going |
Alternative formats available. |
Brochure used in alternative formats. |
- Admissions
2.1 |
To identify all students, parents and visitors with a disability on entering the college. |
On-going |
Visitors identified. |
Access arrangements put in place. |
2.2 |
To ensure equal opportunity of admission to students with a disability. |
On-going |
Students with disability admitted. Triggers an accessibility audit. |
Equal opportunity for students with disability. |
3. Teaching and Learning
3.1 |
To complete curriculum audit of range of accessible resources for disabled students |
On-going |
Improved accessibility of school programmes, inclusive teaching methods and improved experience for students with disabilities. |
Improved knowledge and awareness of staff leading to seamless provision for SEN/Disabled students. |
3.2 |
To develop links with providers able to offer work placements for current SEN/disabled students. |
On-going |
Positive feedback from students and employers. |
Improved experience for students on placement. |
3.3 |
To use existing data to identify difficulties being experienced by students with disabilities. |
On-going |
Reduction in students failing to meet targets. |
Raised achievement for students. |
3.4 |
To provide individual or group support to students to improve literacy and numeracy skills. |
On-going |
Reduction in the numbers of students with below average basic skills. |
Improvements in the levels of achievement of students. |
- Staff Development
4.1 |
To continue with current programme of staff development on disability issues. |
On going |
Improved experience for disabled staff and students. |
Improvement in knowledge and awareness of disability issues. On-going training available. |
- Open evenings/ parents evenings / meetings.
5.1 |
To offer access to all parts of the school building to visitors with mobility issues. |
On-going |
Wheelchair available. Access to lifts available. Evacuation chairs installed and staff trained.
Evacuation chairs installed |
Increase in uptake of facilities on offer. |
- Finance
6.1 |
To ensure continuity of budgetary resources to meet the additional costs of students with disabilities. |
Renewed on an annual basis. |
Necessary resources available. |
Retention of students with disabilities especially those without specific funding. No exclusions for students with disabilities. |
- Estates
7.1 |
Building to be fully accessible to wheelchair users. |
Ongoing |
Evacuation chairs |
Automatic or swing doors at front of college. |
7.2 |
To ensure that disabled parking spaces are available throughout the day. |
On-going |
Spaces Available and clearly marked out at the front of school |
Parking available. |