Headteacher's Blog
It's been a wet week for House competitions, but everyone has put in 100% effort representing their House in Cross Country and WOW in action.
It's been a wet week for House competitions, but everyone has put in 100% effort representing their House in Cross Country and WOW in action.
Please note our Year 11 Success Fayre - Information Evening has been moved to an online event. Year 11 parents have been emailed a link to join the meeting live Weds 20th Oct 6.00-6.30 pm.
The presentation from Mrs Eulert, Mr Allen and Mrs Huntingdon will focus on the positive start Year 11 have made this year, information about the upcoming Mock Examinations, Summer 2022 adaptation to assessments and then an outline of Year 11 Pastoral Support.
Any questions please do not hesitate to email me.
Mr Allen
This week has been a wonderful busy, vibrant week.
This half-term has been fantastic, seeing students get involved with all the extra-curricular activities we have missed over the past 18 months. You have one more week of this half-term to get involved, before even more clubs start up next half-term.
Our exciting extra-curricular activities this term have involved:
Next term to add to the mix we have:
Inter-house Cross Country will take place next week.
Here are next week's extra-curricular activities in PE.
Another week unbeaten for Park teams.
Go to News & Events > Virtual Open Event 2021 to explore our virtual tour and additional content.
Year 9 football finished with an 8-3 win against Primet after an end to end game in wet conditions. The lads battled back after conceding an early goal with strikes from Liam Hopkinson (2), Rhys Howard (2), Marcus Cowley (2) Connor Smith (1) and Bartosz Jagiello (1).
Pictured above are striker Sam Garner, midfielder Marcus Cowley and right back James Galloway.