Art work competition.
Create a mini master piece using a match box.
Create a mini master piece using a match box.
Parents@Park 27.01.23 is now updated and live
The year 7 Netball team enjoy a game in Burnley
Year 9 Child development classes prepare for their coursework by visiting Toddle In nursery
A mixed Year 8/9 Netball team travelled over to Burnley this evening to play against Blessed Trinity.
Local primary schools enjoy a bench-ball taster session led by Park High school sports leaders
Today, year 7 students who are studying the topic 'Variation' have been making models of DNA structure. So far in the topic, they have learnt about classification of plants and animals and types of variation. They will be going on to look at extinction and evolution. Today they worked brilliantly on the task which tested their patience and motor skills. They are very proud of their results as you can see.
Year 10 have been making Swiss Rolls these past weeks. Incorporating air into eggs and sugar by beating to a sabayon stage, before folding in flour and baking. They also attempted Italian Buttercream for the filling. This demonstrated how sugar heated to 118°C can be used to cook the egg white while remaining soft and pliable when it cools.
Victory for Park in the recent U14 Pendle District Basketball Tournament
United Utilities have informed us that water has been restored to the school. We are able to reopen on Friday 20th January.